Conjure the magic in the everyday...

Hello there! My name is Desiree Lambert and I am the eye behind the Pixel Potion lens...growing up in the dance and theatre world, I've always been fascinated in discovering small details hidden within everyday scenes.  The beauty of a dancers anticipation waiting in the wings, the way a blade of grass bravely grows between the cracks of a busy sidewalk, the invisible bond that connects a mother with her child.  This is the potion of life, and it's my passionate mission to conure these moments for the world to see. 

I love landscapes, and try to discover new ways of photographing familiar scenes, or bringing new views to an audience. I also love lifestyle and portrait photography. The goal for Pixel Potion is to be compassionate to every subject, and passionate about important causes. As a mom of a teen on the autism spectrum, I understand that the typical photo session doesn't always work for everyone. My goal is to find a special potion and capture the magic of each individual and/or family structure. Whether that happens in one afternoon in a park, or two or three mornings at the kitchen table, I want to capture the true essence of each unique person. No pressure to smile, or even to look at the camera. Let's just capture the beauty of life, together. I am committed to inclusion and providing your custom 'Pixel Potion'.

When you book a session with Pixel Potion Photography please know that a portion of the proceeds will go to support causes and organizations that share my values. Have an organization you'd like to support? Let me know!

What's Your Potion?

“I am not interested in shooting new things – I am interested to see things new.”